2nd anniversary of Berlin Asian Film Network

Theōria – where does the gaze go? theōria – (θεωρία) is Greek for contemplation. It corresponds to the Latin word contemplatio, “looking at”, “gazing at”, “being aware of” (…) On the occasion of the Berlin Asian Film Network’s 2nd anniversary, we have joined forces with Nowhere Kitchen and invite you to explore with us new …

Short of the Month July 2014

“Seeing is believing” by Kuen-Il Song (2012) Documentary: A rabbit breeder from Brandenburg who breeds award-winning giant rabbit is visited by a delegation from North Korea: The government is interested in introducing rabbits in their food supply and invites him to come to Pyongyang. 14min German with English subtitles   Ein Brandenburger Hasenzüchter, der preisgekrönte …