New Chinese film series in Berlin

Dear all, a new Chinese film series is starting from March on! Yesterday we saw the opening film “American Dreams in China” 2013 by Peter Ho-sun Chan in the cinema Hackesche Höfe, Berlin. Watch Chinese movies every last Friday of the month. Films organized by our friends from: Verein zur Förderung der deutsch-chinesischen Kooperation in Ausbildung, …

Berlinale 2015: „Thanatos, Drunk“

„Thanatos, Drunk” by Chang Tso-Chis  Taiwan 2015, 107 min, Mandarin, Taiwanese Check out the film review by our friends from SINONERDS! Synopsis: “The camera follows closely on the heels of two brothers – one gay, the other straight. Both are looking for a job in order to survive. But both are also looking for themselves and long to …